Welcome to Rocky's Blog

As you can see, I am a dog. Since I don't know any dogs that type, I'd like to publicly thank my mom for typing my blog as I dictate to her. And how else would you be able to keep up with all my adventures?? Isn't she the greatest? I think so! Woof!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Wear a 10 Gallon Hat!

Howdy Friends! --We're back in action, just in time for Halloween!Here we are dressed as cowgirls to go visit the Veteran's Home on Halloween afternoon. What do you think of my braids?? I'm Annie Oakley! You knew that, right?
This is Steffi -- she wanted to pay tribute to the veteran's with a bit of a military flair for her costume -- she's Combat Cutie!

This is earlier in the day -- Look! No cast! Mom is showing off her first day with both feet in sneakers -- first time in 6 weeks!

Steffie -- being a little ham! She has the longest tongue!

Steffie loves running in the leaves! Sure hope she doesn't bite that tongue!

She just never stops running!!

I'm so happy my mom can walk on her foot again! Can you tell? This means I can get back to work!! Yippee! Hope you all had a great Halloween and got lots of yummy treats. I had a great day doing what I do best -- making people smile!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Steffi!

Howdy Folks! You only turn one once, so I'm letting Steffi get all the attention in this post. (Actually not much else to report with Mom still being out of commission -- boring!) Sunday was Steffi's first birthday and Mom has a tradition around here: You must wear the Clifford, the Red Dog, birthday hat on your birthday. (Come to think of it, I think I escaped it last year -- I never told anyone when my birthday was!) As you can see, though, Steffi is a fashion-hound, loves to be the center of attention, and is looking very proud and, should I say, chic? in the birthday hat.

As usual, though, she couldn't wait to get back to chewing on a toy. She loves toys! Especially squeaky ones. I hardly have eardrums left after the one she found Sunday night! She's turning out to be a pretty good littl' sis. We play hard and run fast! She's a bit scared of the coyotes, though, when she hears them off in the woods at night. During the day, she thinks she's supposed to catch every falling leaf before it hits the ground! Anything to burn up energy! I sure wish I had her metabolism then I'd be able to eat treats all day long and Dr. Keenan would never be able to tell! Take care ya'll -- Rocky...and Steffi

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We're Down But Not Out!

Howdy Folks ~
Well, as you can see, the therapy dog team is out of commission at the moment, and let me tell ya, it's no fun when your partner gets hurt. Remember my last post said we had a little mishap?? Well, this is what happens to two-legged folks who don't use a flashlight when they go walking down a dark, abandoned road at night. The pot holes creep up when you are least expecting them! Yup, it's broken -- the foot, that is. Could have been a lot worse. Mom goes back to the doctor tomorrow to check on the progress -- 3 weeks down, 3 to go. In the meantime, Dad and I have been doing all the chores. Dad hates cleaning the cat boxes the most. Now, ironically that would be my favorite chore but try as I might, he won't let me help! Stay tuned, we'll be back in business soon -- just like the song says: you can't keep a good therapy dog team down for long! Rocky

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rocky Greets the Troops!

Howdy Friends!

Wow, what I day I had on Monday!! It all started with me meeting a group of former POWs at the Manchester NH VA and they invited me to join them as they welcomed some troops home from the war! Here I am at the former Pease AFB in Portsmouth, NH, meeting the Colonel (left)and his Executive Officer (right) -- yup, the top guns! -- as a plane full of troops returned from overseas! This is their first touchdown on US soil on their way home, (via Iceland). While the plane is being refueled and they swap crews, the troops stretch their legs, call home, and get a bite to eat. The Pease Greeters (http://www.peasegreeters.org/about.html ) make sure they get a New Hampshire welcome that they won't soon forget. It's one I won't forget either! Do I look happy or what!?! It was so much fun, I think I'm going to be a regular at these things!

There was so much excitement and so many people! Sure was different than visiting the veterans at the Veteran's Home, but just like the veterans there, these guys told me all about their dogs they had waiting for them at home. Very cool!
This lady soldier was very nice. There were quite a few women in the group!
This photo is especially for Bob Armstrong
and Forever Home Canine Rescue:
"From the floor of Petco to the floor of the Heroes' Walk."
I'm just taking a little break during a special ceremony honoring these men and women.

Look closely and you can see the troops coming down the walk. They all looked rather stunned by all the hoopla! Music was playing and everyone was applauding and shaking their hands, including me!
This is the hall as we awaited their arrival. There were a few other dogs there as you can see on the left (look closely), but no other German shepherds and I did overhear someone say, when I walked by: "now that's a real dog!" I felt very proud in my bright red jacket. I now have a "Pease Greeter" button on my jacket to go with my patches!

Here I am with my new friends -- that's Bob the left who I met at the POW meeting and he invited us down and gave us all the info we needed to get there. The man on the right is Ed Johnson, the man who started the "Pease Greeters" group in 2005. This group meets both departing groups as well as those returning -- be sure to check out their website for lots more info. (http://www.peasegreeters.org/about.html)

This is the hallway the troops all walk down. It is lined with photos of all the groups that have been greeted there since 2005. One of the former POWs told us he had met something like 274 flights! It was a great time and I can't wait to go again! We did have our own little mishap that evening but that's a story for another day. Until then, keep our troops in your prayers -- Rocky

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Week in a Therapy Dog's Life

Howdy Friends!

Well, ya know that little lump I needed to have removed from my cheek -- it got taken out, only to get a larger lump!

I know it looks like a wad of chew, or maybe an acorn for my food storage, but Dr. North checked it and said it was blood pooling there and would go away. She was right! It's going away, sure hope it's gone by Monday -- I have a big "speaking" engagement at the Veteran's Administration before a group of former POW's about my therapy dog work! Well, I didn't let it stop me from.....

Eating my most favorite unhealthy snack: Dunkin Donuts Munchkins, plain of course....or

Or eating my most favorite heathy snack: the last of this season's blackberries, with my dad.
Guess, who had to get in on the act? Hmm, I guess that's what little sisters do...copy their big brothers!

And most of all, I didn't let it stop me from doing what I do best! Therapy dog work! Here I am visiting at the NH Veteran's Home!

Yup, that's me with my mom, my grammy, and my grammy's nurse, Nancy. Nancy's from the South, just like me -- I just love hearing her accent, reminds me of my friends back in NC!
I just love being a Therapy Dog, does it show??

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Catch-Up Time!

Howdy Friends!
Well, I'm back on line. Mom has been sidetracked a little the last couple of months. You see, my grammy who used to live with us had to move into the NH Veteran's Home. It made us all very sad, especially my grammy and my mom. But we're all doing better and I still get to see her every week when I go over to the Veteran's Home to do my therapy dog visits. In fact, I love going in to see her and I'm getting to know all her "neighbors", too!

Me & my Grammy Dee at home doing a Therapy Dog demo.

Well, would you like to see what else I've been up do? Okay, here goes!

I got to meet my double-cousin, Toby. I call him my double-cousin because first he belonged to my Aunt Mary and Uncle Dennis, then my Aunt Beth and Uncle Peter adopted him, so he's my cousin twice -- a double cousin! Me and the Painting Crew -- it was a really wet June to try to get a house painted so I saw a lot of these guys -- got to know them really well. I miss them. They did a great job!

Then no sooner did the painters leave and the tree crew showed up. We had lots of ice damage and some dead and rotting trees that had to come down. It was very noisy when these guys were here but they did a good job, even if they did have to take down one of Mom's favorite trees!

It looked good on the outside but it was rotting on the inside, so down she came!

And not even a leaf in the pool! Hey, those guys know their business!

This is great -- now I can chase Steffi even better with no tree in the way!!

And I love it when I catch her -- she thinks she's such hot stuff!

Sometimes I long for the days when I didn't have to share. Once Steffi got over her car sickness, she just took right over like she owned the rig!

Ditto Dogs -- that's what Mom calls us when we copy each other.

Now, don't get worried, nothing serious going on -- I just wanted ya'll to meet my vet, Dr. North. Well, she's one of my vets. Dr. Keenan is the other. And the pretty lady on the left is a vet-to-be. Can ya see why I don't mind going to the vet? I get the royal treatment from these ladies -- and Jeremy, too, at Meadow Pond Animal Hospital. I'm going back in next week to get my teeth cleaned up and a little lump taken out of my cheek. Again, nothing serious -- I had it biopsied and it's not cancer. It shrinks when I take antibiotics but doesn't disappear, so the ladies said we better take it out. Maybe I'll opt for a little lypo around the middle while I'm at it. The diet doesn't seem to be working. Hey, speaking of diet, look at my newest favorite treat!

Dad taught me how to pick blackberries and boy do I love them! See Dr. Keenan, I do try to eat healthy snacks! See that black one I'm going after!

Hey, there's some big black, juicy ones in here! I better get them before Gina does!

And now for a little down time...

Ahh, peace and quiet! Nothing better than a few zzz's by the pool on a hot summer day. I'm actually not a pool dog -- too much chlorine, I prefer the brook down in the woods behind our house where Dad takes Steffi & me. Well, that's how my summer is going. How about yours?? Rocky

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Together

Howdy Friends!

Life is good. Steffi and I are becoming fast friends. Just look at us here, snoozing on a warm Saturday afternoon.

Me and Steffi napping in the gazebo.

It hasn't been all play and no work, though. I've been visiting the NH Veteran's Home on Sunday afternoons. The past two weeks I made some new friends in the dementia units. Those people just love me and I love them.

Today I went to my dad's office in Massachusetts. Well, I didn't actually go inside but I did go for the ride and that's really all I care about. I love to ride -- nothing better than feeling that wind against your face. Look here, can ya tell how happy I am?

Mom and Dad don't let me ride like this very much, just when we're going slow on our dirt road. Mom says I'll get a bug in my eye. Heck, I say it's worth the risk.

They say it's June, but ya know, I'm a North Carolina dog and if this weather is June, then I'll eat my collar. Where are the hot, sunny days that I love? My idea of summer is soaking up some rays in the driveway or on the deck.
Speaking of the deck, I've found some new friends this week right here at home. Dad's having the house and everything painted and I love hanging out with those painters. Mom says it's because I'm a man's dog. It's true, something about a man and a pick-up truck that I just love! Hey, see that pool cover there? Well I'm not used to some of these things and when Dad let me out of the gazebo, I thought I could walk right across that green thing -- a shortcut, ya know. What a surprise that was when all of sudden my front legs sunk about a foot -- where the heck did all that water come from? Dad was cool, though -- didn't get upset or scare me and I just stepped back onto firmer ground. Too bad Mom wasn't there with the camera. Well, ya'all have a great week now and send some warm weather this way! Rocky

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy News -- Meet Steffi!

Howdy Friends!
Check out our newest member of the family!
This is my new sister, Steffi. She'll be 8 months old on June 6th. Isn't she pretty?

She sure looks pretty to me! As you can see, she's almost as big as me, too! We've been having a lot of fun getting to know each other.

We've been playing in the yard. Sometimes we play rough and Mom hollars at me because Steffi gets scared. It's only dog play though. I would never hurt her, remember I'm a therapy dog.

Steffi hails from Wisconsin and comes to us via Gretchanya Kennels (thanks, Becky!) in Webster, NH (http://www.gretchanya.com/). She started out at Kenlyn Kennels in Wisconsin (http://www.kenlynkennels.com/) and she was going to be a show dog but she's missing a tooth, so Mom says she's now going to be a "show-off" instead. She has lots of champions in her family tree. In fact, her grandaddy, Dallas, is quite well-known in the German Shepherd world. Here's a photo of him at Westminster. He was on the Purina ProPlan advertisements and is the top producer in German Shepherd breed history! Just Google his name and see all the hits you get!
I've been teaching Steffi how to relax in the house. (That's been a challenge!)
I've also been helping Dad teach her how to heel. She's a very fast learner!
Here's Mom taking advantage of one of the few times she be able to hold her "baby." Good thing Mom's been going to strength training! That's 50 lbs of puppy!

Dad wasn't about to let Mom out do us! 95 lbs. of dog! Yes, Dr. Keenan, there will be less of me the next time you see me.

Steffi loves the cats almost more than Sadie did! I've tried to warn her not to get too close but I guess she's just going to have to learn the hard way.

So, as you can see...

Mom's got a smile on her face again.

Dad's happy 'cuz Mom's not crying all the time.
And I'm lonely no more!
Hope you enjoyed meeting my new sister! Oh, wait, hold on, Steffi wants to say hi!

Stay tuned for more fun times ahead.
Rocky and Steffi

Things I Love

  • Ice cubes! Bud & Sadie taught me to crunch ices cubes. Sure wish I'd had those on hot days back in NC!
  • Meeting new people -- the Southern gentleman in me really shines here!
  • Carolyn's Canine College -- Carolyn is so nice to me and gives me treats!
  • My dog sister, Sadie (notice I didn't say, my dog brother, Bud)
  • Fish Oil Capsules -- My bedtime snack, yummy!
  • Riding in the Car -- sometimes I get to stick my head out the window!
  • Going for walks with my mom on my country road
  • Sleeping (Especially on my mom & dad's bed!)
  • Food (Mom only lets me eat dog food, no table scraps)

Rocky's Story

My story begins in North Carolina back in December of 2007. I was rescued from the woods by a kind young lady who overheard some hunters say they were going to "shoot the shepherd" because they thought I was keeping deer away. I had already been shot at once -- and hit! I had a BB lodged in my forehead that my owner never bothered to have removed. There were a lot of things my owner never bothered do to, so that's why I ran away to begin with and got lost in the woods. Another thing my owner never bothered to do was give me heartworm medicine and, yup, you guessed it, I not only had that BB in my head, I also had heartworm.

I wish I knew who that young girl was that gave me a ride that day. She saved my life and I'd like to say thank you to her someday. After she saved me from those hunters, she took me to a vet to see if I had any identification -- I didn't, of course. So the vet contacted Bob, a volunteer with Forever Home K9 Rescue. Bob came over and brought me back to his home. It wasn't a forever home but it sure was nice to be out of the woods. My owner actually did track me down and when he found out Bob would help find a good home for me, he decided that was the best thing for me. That was just what Bob was hoping for, now he could get on with helping me and that began with getting that BB out of my head and neutering. Then came the heartworm test...positive; then the heartworm treatments, ugh! They were tough but Bob, Denese and the wonderful vets and technicians at Animal Hospital of Statesville took real good care of me and I made it through! Thanks, you guys!

Bob then started taking me to PetCo for the adopt-a-dog days. A lot of people would stop and pet me, but Bob told me he was waiting for the right people to give me a good home. My lucky day was February 16, 2008, when a man and woman came by and began talking with Bob and petting me. I thought they were very nice, but I knew they weren't from around NC because they had a different accent. But Bob seemed to like them and I trusted Bob. About three weeks later, back at PetCo I met the same people again and they seemed very happy to see me. That's when I began to realize that these people were going to be my forever home.

On March 10, 2008, in the early morning hours, Bob got my things and we headed out while it was still dark. We went to a hotel parking lot and there were those same two people again. That's when Bob told me I would be going home with them. I was sad and alittle scared to leave Bob, but I knew that's what I had to do. Leaving the parking lot, I whimpered a little as I sat in the corner of the back seat of the pick-up truck. I was trying to be brave. These people seemed nice, but I was really missing Bob and I had no idea where I was being taken.

I rode quietly for quite a while, with a scared look on my face. I looked out the window to try to see where we were going but I couldn't tell. Finally, I started to relax a little and took a nap. When I woke up, I felt better. I continued riding for miles and miles, hours and hours -- about 17 hours to be exact and pretty close to 1000 miles. We stopped off and on along the way for potty breaks and snacks. I was getting to like these new people!

Finally we arrived at a house in the country. I got out and stepped into this icy cold white stuff that was slippery to walk on! Oh no, snow! I'd seen a little of this stuff in NC but not like it was here. Then they told me, I was in New Hampshire!

This was my new forever home! It was really late, so we went right to bed. The next morning I met my new family: my German shepherd sister, Sadie, and my German shepherd brother, Buddy; and my feline brothers & sisters: Sam, Jack, Eddie, Annie and Chloe; and my grammy, who is 87-years old and blind.

My life has changed so much since I joined my forever home. I go for walks. I have a huge yard to run free in with my brother and sister. I have my own bed. I go to dog school. And I'm preparing to be a therapy dog so I can go to nursing homes and children's reading programs. Life doesn't get much better than this! Thank you Forever Home K9 Rescue for helping me find my forever home...even if it was 1000 miles away! Rocky